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Single Mom Entrepreneur: A Life By My Design. The Background Story.

Updated: Nov 4, 2022

Tell me you are a single mom entrepreneur in 2021,

without telling me you are a single mom entrepreneur in 2021.

I'll go first.

It’s 12:34 am, I have my blue blockers on, my daughter asleep next to me, and I’m sitting in bed with my MacBook typing out my first piece for my blog after I spent the day business planning with my friend for our upcoming collaboration. (More on that later.)

This is me, living my best life.

If you would have told me I would be here six years ago when I was a naive mama-to-be, I would have nervously laughed in your face. I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I committed to break the cycle as I raised my baby girl. I wanted desperately to be a good mom. I was terrified to cause her the same trauma that I had experienced. At first, it sent me into a depressed state for awhile. I was overwhelmed with the belief that I was going to fuck it all up and that she would actually be better off without me. The truth was, I had to heal myself and become intimately aware of my own patterns. In order to break the generational cycle, I had to change myself. (And that was a scary realization at the time!) Now, I recognize the power in our choices- by changing the internal, the external shifts. As within, so without.

Deep down, a fire had been lit within me when I found out I was having a daughter. I knew that I was becoming her role model. As I looked around my life, I didn’t like the example that I was setting. I started to change and as a result, my marriage was falling apart.. Truth be told, it was built on shaky ground to begin with since I really didn’t know myself very well when I got married. All my life, I had thought that all I was missing to make me feel fulfilled was a man to love me and babies to raise. I couldn’t figure out at that point in my life why I still felt SO empty..

At the very beginning of 2017, my baby girl had just turned one, it became abundantly clear that I needed to prepare for my marriage to be over. As a stay at home mom, that was a very scary position for me to be in. The last thing I wanted was to go back to working long days at a job I didn’t like and be separated from my child. I wanted the slow mornings full of snuggles, to be there to kiss every owwie, and still bring in my own money so I could have my freedom.

I had started reading some books about parenting (I was trying to find my footing and I researched everything I could as a mom, my philosophy was “research everything then follow your intuition”). This one book I came across was SO impactful that I shared about it on my Facebook (The Conscious Parent, check it out here: I had built up quite the community of moms on there at that point so my share got a lot of attention. I remember a solid 10-12 people said that they were going to buy the book I had recommended! I was so excited for them and it honestly felt good to be able to recommend something to others when it had helped me so much.

That same month, I was secretly looking for ways to make money from home. By this point, we all know the MLM marketing on Facebook game so I’m sure it will come at no surprise to you that I jumped into that opportunity- full of fear and hope at the same time. Although it was by no means my get rich quick escape route that I had dreamed it would be.. it started something much bigger. My friend who I joined with started recommending personal development books to me as soon as I joined. (Check out my book list resource to see what I recommend!) I had some success with that business, but what really caught my attention was the personal development world I had been shown. By the end of that year, I was looking into schools to become a life coach and holistic nutritionist.

I left my marriage January 2018. Thankfully, I had the support of my family and I ended up getting out without needing to depend on my business immediately. Over the last 3.5 years (almost 4 years!) I have continuously been on the entrepreneur journey. This is the most challenging thing I have ever committed to in my life- especially because it took me the first three years to truly commit to going all in on myself and my business. I had steady clients throughout that time, I just questioned myself constantly! I was so scared that I was going to go all in on myself and fail. Or worse, succeed, which would ultimately make me different from the majority of people I knew and I was afraid I would feel like I didn’t belong anymore.

The things that go through your head when you are trying to stay in your comfort zone are hilarious! LOL. It felt so real in the moment. Now I look back on all of that with compassion for my old self and get a good laugh out of it. Instead of fully committing, I was seeking my true purpose. I wanted to make SURE that I wasn’t headed down the wrong path. Now, what I know is.. your purpose is about how you CHOOSE to show up in each moment. The desires you feel to bring something into the world are being felt for a reason. It’s not a right or wrong path.. you create the path as you walk it. There is a genius within you that’s literally coded into your DNA, the way you choose to express it is no accident. You cannot choose wrong. You can’t fuck it up.

Now, in the Fall of 2021, I am moving into my most powerful season yet. I am fully honoring my roles in my life and the many hats I choose to wear. I see motherhood as a sacred responsibility where I get to guide and nurture such a beautiful little soul as she evolves. I am not just running a little service based business anymore; I am the CEO of a company where we liberate the feminine power within women so they can create the life they desire and stop settling, one powerful decision at a time. I am the creator of a clothing line that has it’s first launch coming this month.

This blog will be a place where you can get the real, raw truths of my experiences as a Single Mom Entrepreneur. I will share my lessons along the way, tips/hacks, every aspect of relationships from romantic to motherhood to oneself, and anything I believe to be helpful to your journey. I want you to come along for the ride so you can be inspired to rise into your highest potential. We will create a community because it truly does take a village and thanks to the internet we get to pick our own now. Thank you for being here. I appreciate you investing your time in reading this and choosing to be in community with me.

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